Why Europe is falling way behind America’s powerhouse economy
Washington PostJonah Badereurozone, Economy, United States, Great Britain, Brexit, Germany, Italy, defense, European Union, populism
Narendra Modi and the myth of the strongman
Out of the Gaza war, there is an opportunity
On Gaza, Biden is right and Netanyahu is wrong
The presidential election isn’t playing out how I thought it would
The dangerous new call for regime change in Beijing
Why the Gaza war has spun campuses into chaos
In a two-issue election, Biden should act now on immigration
Biden embraced Trump’s tariffs. It might be his undoing.
How Trump fills a void in an increasingly secular America
Liberals should tread carefully when confronting Trumpism
How to beat the backlash that threatens the liberal revolution
Putin is in it to win it in Ukraine. Are we?
Amid the horror in Gaza, it’s easy to miss that the Middle East has changed
Biden needs to tell Israel some difficult truths. Only he can do it.