Posts tagged United States
The most dangerous moment since the Cold War
Washington PostJonah BaderMiddle East, Europe, Asia, China, North Korea, Iran, Russia, Hamas, Hezbollah, Israel, United States, Cold War, Ukraine, Donald Trump, taiw, trade
The Biden crisis is now a game of chicken
Americans are losing confidence. But the world knows better.
Why Europe is falling way behind America’s powerhouse economy
Washington PostJonah Badereurozone, Economy, United States, Great Britain, Brexit, Germany, Italy, defense, European Union, populism
The presidential election isn’t playing out how I thought it would
Americans are far too pessimistic about the future
The Self-Doubting Superpower
The U.S.–India Relationship Is Key to the Future of Tech
Putin’s war reminds us why liberal democracy is worth defending
Why is the Biden administration uniting our adversaries?
Why this year’s Beijing Olympics doesn’t have much to celebrate
Rich countries are to blame for omicron
Spending on infrastructure might not be sexy. But it’s even more important than you think.
Can we compete with China and also save the planet?
Candidate Biden was right on trade. President Biden is wrong.