Posts tagged Saudi Arabia
Business leaders think Trump is all bluster. They’re badly mistaken.
Washington PostJonah BaderProject 2025, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Tariffs, NATO, protectionism, France, Germany, China, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Inflation, Donald Trump, JD Vance
Out of the Gaza war, there is an opportunity
Amid the horror in Gaza, it’s easy to miss that the Middle East has changed
The best response to Hamas would be to keep the Saudi deal alive
A peace deal between the Saudis and Israelis could change everything
The rise of the Persian Gulf is reshaping the world
America’s foreign policy has lost all flexibility
The only plausible path to keep the pressure on Russia
The Islamic world has changed over the past 20 years. The Taliban is about to feel it.
Washington PostJonah BaderTaliban, Afghanistan, Muslim, Islamic extremism, Islam, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Terrorism, China, Osama bin Laden
The only way to solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem
Washington PostJonah BaderIsrael, Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Middle East, war, Iran, nuclear weapons
Trump does not have a foreign policy. He has a series of impulses.
Washington PostJonah Baderforeign policy, Donald Trump, Syria, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, military, Iran, Kim Jong Un, North Korea, trade, China, Iraq
The Middle East is still fertile ground for terror groups
Washington PostJonah BaderGeorge W. Bush, The Post-American World, Middle East, Arab Spring, freedom, Democracy, ISIS, Tunisia, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Donald Trump
Trump’s Syria actions are the result of a knowledge-free foreign policy
Washington PostJonah BaderSyria, Donald Trump, Kurds, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Bashar al-Assad, Vladimir Putin, Middle East, North Korea, Kim Jong Un, Iran, Saudi Arabia, foreign policy
Trump is strangling Iran. It’s sowing resentment across the Middle East.
Washington PostJonah BaderIran deal, Iran, nuclear weapons, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Donald Trump, foreign policy, sanctions
Khashoggi’s alleged murder says as much about America as Saudi Arabia