There’s a lot to be optimistic about these days. And then there’s the Middle East.
Washington PostJonah BaderBashar al-Assad, foreign policy, Henry Kissinger, Iran, Iraq, ISIS, Israel, Kurds, Lebanon, Middle East, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United States, Vali Nasr, Yemen
Give South Korea a gold medal
Trump has drawn three red lines. They’re all likely to be crossed.
The Trump we saw in Davos should leave us encouraged
There’s a middle ground on immigration. Both sides refuse to find it.
Steve Bannon has a point
Iran has the ingredients for revolution – but a strong regime to ward it off
The decline of U.S. influence is the great global story of our age
GOP tax bill would usher in a bleak future
Washington PostFareed Zakariabudget, bureaucracy, Census, FAA, Infrastructure, IRS, Republicans, Research, Science, Skills, Taxes, Training
Trump’s Jerusalem decision isn’t diplomacy. It’s pandering.
Maybe Trump knows his base better than we do
Washington PostFareed ZakariaAfD, behavioral economics, Brexit, conservative, Culture, Donald Trump, establishment, Immigration, libertarian, Marine Le Pen, plutocracy, populism, Republican Party, Taxes
Trump is in deep with Saudi Arabia. That’s dangerous.
Strongmen have a new playbook for consolidating power
Washington PostFareed Zakariaauthoritarianism, Donald Trump, illiberal democracy, Media, Mohammed bin Salman, Narendra Modi, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Saudi Arabia, Shinzo Abe, Vladimir Putin
The cancer of Islamist extremism spreads around the world
Washington PostFareed ZakariaBangladesh, Indonesia, Islamic extremism, Islamic State, Mohammad bin Salman, Radical Islam, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Wahhabism
While we obsess over Trump, China is making history