Trump is strangling Iran. It’s sowing resentment across the Middle East.
Washington PostJonah BaderIran deal, Iran, nuclear weapons, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Donald Trump, foreign policy, sanctions
Why American conservatism failed
Democrats must address the roots of our asylum crisis — or give Trump the advantage
Hong Kong reminds us of China’s fragility
America squanders its power
Washington PostJonah Badercurrency, dollar, Iran, Iran deal, Germany, Donald Trump, national security, tariffs, technology, Huawei, protectionism, China, The Post-American World
Trump is destroying three decades of hard work with Mexico
The crises are over, but the populist fury remains
The blacklisting of Huawei might be China’s Sputnik moment
Trump’s ‘America First’ philosophy has created a less stable world
National service can mend the country
Washington PostJonah BaderUnited States, Pete Buttigieg, national service, John F. Kennedy, inequality, rural-urban divide, cities, Economy, Jobs, polarization, technology
The Trump whisperer and his dark worldview
Washington PostJonah BaderJohn Bolton, Donald Trump, conservative, Iraq, Dick Cheney, Russiak, Cuba, Venezuela, Monroe Doctrine, Kiron Skinner, Cold War, China, Theodore Roosevelt
Democrats, there’s a better strategy than impeachment
Washington PostJonah BaderDonald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Democrats, impeachment, populism, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Andrew Johnson, Senate, Republicans
Populist assault on central banks could have long-lasting costs
Who understands our times, Bernie or The Donald?
On legal immigration, Trump might be right