Posts tagged Constitution
The scariest part of Jan. 6 was what almost happened after the violence
Washington PostJonah BaderDemocracy, January 6th, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, George W- Bush, Constitution
Americans care about history because the stakes are high
Washington PostJonah BaderChina, United States, history, race, Immigration, Constitution, politics, polarization, cancel culture, Illiberal, Education
The Supreme Court might have to choose between power and principle
Trump could stay in power even if he doesn’t win the election. The Constitution allows it.
Prepare for election month, not election night
The covid-19 crisis exposes the limits of a reality-TV presidency
Trump’s cheerful collaborators
Washington PostJonah BaderDonald Trump, United States, military, Soviet Union, illiberal democracy, Constitution, Republican Party, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz
Why I now support the impeachment inquiry
Washington PostJonah Baderimpeachment, Donald Trump, Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine, Constitution, Founders, James Madison, Supreme Court, Richard Nixon, Weimar Republic, Democracy
Trump has conjured a crisis out of thin air. That should worry us all.
Washington PostJonah BaderDonald Trump, civil rights, Iraq War, United States, Vladimir Putin, Congress, Constitution, Immigration, border wall, shutdown, drugs
The Comey firing reminds us of a bigger danger