Stop being afraid of more government. It’s exactly what we need.
Trump signs on to the forever war in Afghanistan
The mealy-mouthed cowardice of America’s elites after Charlottesville
Washington PostFareed ZakariaCEO, Donald Trump, elites, evangelicals, military, neo-Nazis, politics, Republicans, technology, white supremacists
Trump has been making ominous threats his whole life
The Democrats should rethink their immigration absolutism
Say hello to a post-American world
Donald Trump’s lost opportunity
Trump: For the love of Putin
We think North Korea is crazy. What if we’re wrong?
The Democrats’ problem is not the economy, stupid
Washington PostFareed ZakariaBarack Obama, Bill Clinton, Culture, Democrats, Donald Trump, Economy, Hillary Clinton, identity politics, Immigration, LGBT, partisanship, Republicans
The United States is stumbling into another decade of war
Washington PostFareed ZakariaAfghanistan, Donald Trump, James Mattis, Middle East, Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Terrorism, war, Yemen
The country is frighteningly polarized. This is why.
Trump didn’t know the Middle East could be so complicated
Trump's radical doctrine of retreat
How Saudi Arabia played Donald Trump