Trump prepares to pass the world leadership baton to China Washington PostFareed ZakariaMarch 16, 2017China, Donald Trump, Education, Science, soft power, State Department, trade, Trans-Pacific Partnership, United Nations
America must defend itself against the real national security menace Washington PostFareed ZakariaMarch 9, 2017cybersecurity, Defense Department, Donald Trump, national security, WikiLeaks
Throwing more money at the military won’t make it stronger Washington PostFareed ZakariaMarch 2, 2017David Petraeus, Donald Trump, foreign aid, military, Pentagon, State Department
Don’t despair: The center can still win in Europe Washington PostFareed ZakariaFebruary 23, 2017Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, European Union, France, globalization, Marine Le Pen, Martin Schulz, populism
Trump is putting on a great circus, but what about his promises? Washington PostFareed ZakariaFebruary 16, 2017Donald Trump, executive orders, Jobs, Media
Stephen Bannon’s words and actions don’t add up Washington PostFareed ZakariaFebruary 9, 20171960s, Donald Trump, financial crisis, individualism, Mitt Romney, Stephen Bannon
Sorry, President Trump. I agree with you. Washington PostFareed ZakariaFebruary 2, 2017Donald Trump, Media, Regulations, Spending, Taxes, Unity
FDR started the Long Peace. Under Trump, it may be coming to an end. Washington PostFareed ZakariaJanuary 26, 2017Churchill, FDR, foreign policy, peace, Trump, United Nations
Everyone seems to agree globalization is a sin. They’re wrong. Washington PostFareed ZakariaJanuary 19, 2017China, Davos, globalization, technology, trade, World Economic Forum
Trump could be the best thing that’s happened to China in a long time Washington PostFareed ZakariaJanuary 13, 2017China, Donald Trump, Economy, Latin America, TPP, Xi Jinping
Illiberal democracy in America Washington PostFareed ZakariaDecember 29, 2016Democracy, Foreign Affairs, Future of Freedom, illiberal democracy
Why would Trump help Putin achieve his goals? Washington PostFareed ZakariaDecember 14, 2016China, Donald Trump, Russia, Vladimir Putin
The force behind populism everywhere? Immigration. Washington PostFareed ZakariaDecember 7, 2016Donald Trump, Europe, Foreign Affairs, Immigration, populism
Democrats need to focus on the gut, not the head Washington PostFareed ZakariaNovember 30, 2016Christopher Achen, Democrats, Gabriel Lenz, George Strait, Hillary Clinton, Joan Williams, Jonathan Haidt, Larry Bartels, working class
President flip-flop, I hope Washington PostFareed ZakariaNovember 23, 2016deportations, Donald Trump, Iran deal, ISIS, James Mattis